We started, in 1997, already with projects dedicated to the Engineering field. Our activity area follows scopes of projects which focus on:
- Detection of fracture zones in the evaluation of reservoir spots (dams);
- Detection and mapping of pipes in shallow sea (pipeline shore approach)
- Detection of depth of bedrock and thickness of soil;
- Depth and thickness measurement of soft clay;
- Detection of underground cavities, such as abandoned mine galleries;
- Structural mapping of rocks massif;
- Tunnels location analysis;
- Delimitation of colluviums on roads;
- Stability verification of slope;
- Essays applied to wind turbine foundations;
Besides that, we also highlight engineering projects dedicated to:
- Geotechnique for Pipes; with methods which aim to characterize the subsurface, determining the thickness of the soil and/or sediments, and depth of the rocky extract, on the ground or underwater;
- Geotechnique for Dams; with techniques in which the objective is applied to inventories of sketches of dams or also supporting stages of their implementation and execution;
- Seismology; offering services of monitoring the induced seismicity activity, provoked by the filling of reservoirs (AHE’s) to the companies that generate electricity;
- Detection of Pipes; using advanced techniques, automatic systems and high sensibility underwater multi-electrode cables, we execute projects which aim to detect and place pipes at the bottom of the sea, as well as to monitor with high precision the thickness of the layers of sediment.
We apply the following methods:
- Resistivity (2D and 3D, Groundwater and Terrestrial Electrical Imaging)
- Refraction Seismic;
- GPR;
- Electrical Tomography;